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Cricket betting is prohibited in India, hence this service is restricted to international users. This website ( was created solely for entertainment purposes and not for financial gain. All blogs and betting advice are accessible to residents of the UK and other European nations where gambling is permitted. 

Please write us at if you encounter any problems while using this site.

  • None of the online betting exchanges you see advertised on our site have our stamp of approval. We strongly oppose any form of sports betting, whether it takes place in person or online, and would never advocate for it.
  • We have used phrases like  “bet cricket betting id,””cricket id” “get betting id,” “Online cricket id,” “open,”  “where,”  “we,” “get cricket id,” “our,” “bet,”  “betting,” “Internet betting id,”  “online cricket id,” and “betting id,” solely for the purposes of providing relevant information and boosting the site’s visibility in search engine results. We strongly disagree with the idea of promoting betting on cricket.
  • We have no direct or indirect associations, networks, or ties with any of the featured exchanges on the website, and we have never provided any type of service support to any of them.
  • Users of this site must be 18 or older and be interested in fantasy sports.
  • This website earns money from subscribers who sign up to view advertisements once a week, twice a month, or monthly. Banner ads, text-based ads, and links to any external websites or mobile applications are all fair game. Betting on cricket or any other online sport is strongly discouraged and will never be supported by our site.